
Custom design capabilities of Saphyrion extend much beyond the domain of rad-hard ASICs, and encompass a broader range of applications of potential interest to aerospace industry.

Saphyrion can propose to its clients to integrate within their own designs whole subsystem units, often but not necessarily based on its rad-hard chips, to simplify and streamline the development of complex systems, where the availability of thoroughly tested blocks can bring a definitive advantage especially when tough time schedules have to be respected.

During the years, the company has successfully responded to the requests of major aerospace contractors and space agencies, supplying subsystem or instruments whose procurement on the open market was often difficult or impossible.


SM401: GNSS Galileo/Inertial localizer
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Designed for a primary aerospace industry, SM401 has been the first truly portable instrument in EU providing the integration of GNSS Galileo positioning capability with a highly sophisticated inertial unit assisted by a precision magnetometer. SM401 allows to obtain data suitable to provide input to advanced GNSS/inertial fusion algorithms, and to take full benefit from the superior characteristics of Galileo-empowered localization.